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24 Hour Crisis Stabilization

Trauma Therapy

What Is Trauma and Trauma Therapy?

Trauma comes in many forms. When most people think of trauma, they might immediately jump to PTSD, which is most commonly associated with warzones and the veterans who manage to leave them alive. Trauma is more than that, however. Any deeply distressing or disturbing situation can be traumatic to someone. 

Here are some common examples of situations that can cause trauma: 

  • Vehicle accidents
  • Fires
  • Physical assault
  • Child abuse
  • Intimate partner violence
  • Natural disasters

But trauma isn’t limited by a certain list. What might be traumatic for one person might not be as traumatic for another. In the same way, the effects of trauma also may present themselves in different ways. 

Symptoms of trauma might include:

  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Insomnia
  • Hypersomnia

Trauma affects the brain in many ways with many variables. Treating only the symptoms of trauma won’t fix the actual issue at hand, which is the learned behaviors that came from the trauma itself. At SUN Behavioral Kentucky, we offer many forms of trauma therapy, which can help cover both of these things. Trauma therapy addresses the root of the problem, the trauma itself, while also helping people manage the side effects of their trauma.

Who Is Trauma Therapy Right For?

If you or your loved one are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, trauma therapy might be a good option for you. Sometimes a traumatic situation is obvious, and other times the source of your trauma might not be as apparent, but your symptoms persist anyway.

This is where trauma therapy can help. Trauma can occur at any age, and there are different trauma therapy options for different situations. This is why, here at SUN Behavioral Kentucky, we have many options for our patients to choose from. Our goal is to always make sure our patients and community receive the best care possible.

How Does Trauma Affect Mental Health?

Trauma affects so much. It can be the source of other mental health illnesses like anxiety or depression. It can also be a trigger for these things as well. While having one does not guarantee that you have the other, they can very easily go hand in hand. 

Dealing with trauma already has a large impact on the brain and how it functions. Our responses to traumatic events are built in to help us not have to experience that traumatic event again. However, this becomes a problem when your trauma response grows. If, for example, you were traumatized by a fire, you might not like sitting around a campfire anymore. The brain could, however, build this up even further until you no longer like heat at all, or maybe even just cooking food causes you extreme distress. Trauma can build and boil and become a detriment to your overall mental health and ease of living if not addressed.


Common Types of Trauma Therapy

There are many different ways we offer to work through trauma with our clients here at SUN Behavioral Kentucky. Not every journey is right for each individual. Here are some of the different services we offer to help you. 




Trauma Group Therapy (TGT)

Group therapy has shown to be very beneficial for many people. Building up a support network of people who are also recovering from traumatic events can help you feel less alone in your journey and situation. It also allows you a space to talk about your experiences with people who can better understand what you went through, which can be validating.

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (PP)

Exposure therapy involves addressing and facing the source of your trauma, whether through talking about it or going into situations that would be triggering. For example, if your trauma revolved around a dog attack, going to a shelter or meeting a therapy dog might be a part of your journey. The goal is to reteach your brain on how to react in these situations while in a safe environment.

Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)

This form of trauma therapy was developed specifically to help adolescents recover from and deal with trauma. It is a multi-step process that involves the non-offending parent or caregivers in the process as well. The goal is to set the child up for success by helping them learn the skills they need to best manage their reactions to trauma and the memory of it. Once the skills are built, exposure therapy becomes involved as well.

What is the Success Rate of Trauma Therapy?

There isn’t a guaranteed timeline in which someone can recover from a traumatic event. As we are all unique, so too is our journey. There are many factors that contribute to the success of recovery. It’s important to make sure that certain needs are met along the recovery journey in order to help you or your loved one achieve the best outcome.

The staff at SUN Behavioral Kentucky promises to:

  •  Make sure the patient has a choice in their treatment plans
  •  Collaborate with both the family, patient, and the staff during the process
  •  Empower the patient through their journey
  •  Ensure they have a safe environment to recover in
  •  Be open and honest during the process

Getting Help for Trauma

Trauma does not have to be a lifelong ailment. At SUN Behavioral Kentucky, we care deeply about the community around us. Dealing with trauma can put a damper on your life, but it doesn’t have to stay that way.

If you or a loved one is suffering after a traumatic event, we want to help. Call us today at 859-429-5188 to schedule a telehealth consultation and start on your road to healing.

FAQs About Trauma Therapy

How does Trauma Therapy work?

Trauma therapy addresses the response to trauma, which is the symptoms that develop after experiencing it. It’s important to both help the patient overcome their reactions in regards to the memory or experience, as well as teach them how to address their symptoms when they occur. 

When does trauma become PTSD?

When trauma and its effects persist long-term, or when the trauma experienced is repeated or extreme, it can develop into PTSD. PTSD is a more severe expression development of trauma, which can be categorized by its symptoms, such as flashbacks, intense, repeated nightmares, and more. 

Trauma Therapy In Kentucky

The capable team at SUN Kentucky has been serving our community for years. Reach out to begin your journey to recovery.

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SUN Behavioral Kentucky

820 Dolwick Drive
Erlanger, Kentucky 41018

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