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Substance Use Disorder Treatment

According to a 2017 study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 7% of young adults ages 18-25 in Kentucky reported using illicit substances within the year. Since then, they repeated their study in 2019 and found the number had decreased to 4.7%. 

One of the ways we are able to lower that number is by making sure there are open and effective treatment centers available. SUN Behavioral Health is located in northeastern Kentucky, just south of Cincinnati. We offer paths to substance abuse recovery. 

How Effective is Drug Addiction Therapy

Drug addiction therapy offers many solutions to help people who are wanting to stop their substance abuse. Inpatient services give patients a safe environment to recover. Stressors in life, including bad home situations, finances, or work, can be contributing factors to drug use. Inpatient services give you a place to not have to worry about those things and solely focus on healing.

Outpatient and other therapy solutions are just as beneficial. Drug addiction treatment programs ultimately teach patients the skills they need to manage any future symptoms, as well as offer support down the road.

Principles of Effective Drug Addiction Treatment

Drug addiction is not a simple black-and-white issue. In the same way, the options for treating substance abuse aren’t limited to a singular path. 

Whether you decide a 12-step program is right for you or you look into other alternative treatment methods, there are still baselines that any good treatment program will have.

Here are signs of a good facility and treatment program:

  • No one option fits everyone, and a good facility knows that
  • There isn’t a set timeline for treatment. Each person’s progress takes a different amount of time, and staying in treatment long enough to make that work for you is very important 
  • Substance abuse treatment is not a singular problem. A program shouldn’t only offer a detox program without addressing other concerns as well, like mental health 
  • Treatment also isn’t a one-and-done. Making sure there are options to help set you up for future success is important. 

When looking for treatment options, don’t be afraid to ask questions. At SUN Behavioral we strive to help educate patients and their families about not only the programs we offer, but also about the recovery process as a whole in order to help save and enrich lives. 

Medications and Different Devices Used in Drug Addiction Treatment

One of the most important steps in the addiction treatment process is medical detox. Some substances, such as opioids or alcohol, can have dangerous withdrawal effects. Using a medically assisted detox treatment at a professional healthcare facility, certified medical staff will help make sure you’re able to detox safely. 

After detox, medication might be prescribed to help the patient along their road to recovery. The medication works best in combination with behavioral therapy. It is used as a tool during addiction treatment to help the patient focus on their healing as opposed to any potential symptoms they might be experiencing.

Behavioral Therapies Treatment Method Used to Treat Drug Addiction

At SUN Behavioral Kentucky, we understand that drug addiction is not a singular issue. Not only can mental illnesses be developed during the time of drug use, but oftentimes there are other factors playing into addiction. It is also well documented, as noted by the National Institute of Mental Health, that many mental illnesses such as trauma, anxiety, and depression can lead to people leaning on substances to help themselves cope with the symptoms. This is why addressing both concerns at the same time is important. 

The treatment of substance use disorder alongside treating mental health concerns is called co-occurring disorder treatment. This method of treatment works with you or your loved one to tackle addiction while also offering behavioral therapy to work with your mental health at the same time.

Different Causes and Risk Factors for Drug Addiction

Knowing what to look for when trying to help those struggling with drug addiction, it’s helpful to know the causes behind addiction.

These are the three most common risk factors behind drug addiction:

  • Environment: A person’s environment consists of a lot of things, from their economic status to family, that impact them on a daily basis. 
  • Development: A person’s past very heavily influences their future and present. From a negative childhood and other trauma, to long-term depression or struggling with things like ADHD, these can influence a person’s decision to try substances in the first place. 

Biology: It’s important to note that while there are links between genetics and addiction, having a genetic risk doesn’t mean addiction is inevitable. A person with a genetic risk for a heart condition is not guaranteed to have a heart attack and the same goes for genetic factors for addiction.

Substance Use Disorder
Substance Use Disorder SUN Kentucky

Different Types and Levels of Rehab Treatment Available

The treatment journey for substance use disorder varies from patient to patient. There are different levels of treatment options available at SUN Behavioral Kentucky. 

  • Inpatient services are when a patient stays at the facility until their treatment plan determines it is good for them to leave. This can also be incredibly beneficial for those who don’t have stable home lives or whose living situations might not be otherwise conducive for healing. They’re able to start their journey in a safe and neutral environment where they can focus all of their energy on themselves and recovery.
  • Outpatient services offer the same healing and treatment options as inpatient, but the patient goes home at night, or might not come in every single day. They’re still usually at the facility for extended periods of the day when they do come in.
  • The final option is usually traditional appointment-based therapy. This can be done in person, at home over the phone, or via video calls. These appointments range in frequency depending on what is decided to be best for the patient.

Statistics for Substance Use Disorder Treatment

Out of nearly 19 million people in 2019 with substance use disorder, only 1.3% felt they needed help for treatment and actively sought it out, according to SAMHSA

Treatment is a long-term process for most people. Relapses can happen, and that doesn’t mean their treatment process was a waste, or that it failed. The most important part of helping people is building networks of support that can assist them when they need it most, as well as teaching people the important skills needed to help them help themselves.

SUN Kentucky Substance Use Disorder


What to Expect at an Addiction Treatment Facility

At SUN Behavioral Kentucky, we work hard to ensure that our patients have a positive experience. Our understanding staff will work alongside you to make sure you have a say in your treatment. Being in a treatment facility, you can connect with other patients who are going through their own healing, and heal alongside them.

You’re not alone in this journey. If you need help with addiction treatment, our staff is ready to help. Call us today at 859-429-5188.

FAQs About Substance Use Disorder Treatment

What are treatments for Substance Use Disorder?

Treatment starts off with medical detox. From there, it can progress to inpatient or outpatient treatment, depending on what the individual patient needs. Either way, the treatment process involves therapy and other methods of skill-building to help the patient learn how to be successful in the future. 

Are there drugs that lead to substance use disorder?

For the average person that might be prescribed something like opioids, taking them as directed statistically won’t lead to addiction. Over 140 million opioids were prescribed in 2020 alone, according to the CDC. On the opposite end, about 10 million people in 2019 were reported to have misused opioids. 

Who is at risk of substance use disorder?

Substance use disorder happens for a variety of reasons, but those at risk have other factors to account for. These things can include high stress, struggles with other mental health conditions, or those who might be dealing with loneliness in various ways. 

Kentucky Substance Use Disorder Treatment

At SUN, we’ve created a caring, healing environment and will be there for every step of your journey to recovery. Please call us today to help you, your family and your loved one.


SUN Behavioral Kentucky

820 Dolwick Drive
Erlanger, Kentucky 41018

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