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24 Hour Crisis Stabilization

Adult Mood & Anxiety Disorder Treatment

Doctors agree that normal levels of anxiety and stress are common, two things we all deal with regularly. Richard Maddock, M.D. writes for UC Davis Health that they can be appropriate responses to certain situations, particularly those that involve risk and uncertainty.

Where anxiety becomes something more and can become an anxiety disorder, is when it begins to crowd out other normal behaviors, thought patterns, and emotions. Reacting normally, even with anxiety or stress, means you can move past the negative side effects of feeling them. Anxiety disorders are when you can’t stop worrying or thinking about something that scared you, or even something that could happen. The disorder is when the anxiety never goes away.

There Are Different Kinds of Anxiety Disorders

The kind of treatment you need for your anxiety disorder depends on what kind of anxiety disorder it is. There are four major anxiety disorders: Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, phobias, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Our licensed care providers will help you better understand your anxiety disorder and help create a treatment plan that's right for you.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

For Generalized Anxiety Disorder, or GAD, sleeping problems may be an indicator, along with an increase in irritability, getting tired easily (sometimes related to the sleeping problem), having trouble controlling worries, and muscle tension. Another symptom is feeling “on edge,” which can mean different things for everyone. Sometimes it’s described as similar to feeling over-caffeinated, or unable to calm down.

What Is Panic Disorder

Panic disorder brings with it symptoms that feel slightly more serious due to being related to panic attacks. Our bodies can respond pretty strongly to feeling anxious and stressed out, so panic disorder can bring sweating, an accelerated heart rate, and feeling like you can’t catch your breath, or that you’re having a hard time breathing.

There are quite a few phobias and different symptoms associated with them, but all of them are related to a specific fear. Sometimes the phobia is related to a situation or place (heights, flying, enclosed spaces, etc.), or even an object or living thing (spiders, snakes, blood, etc), and these are occasionally referred to as “simple phobias.” Whether the phobia is related to an object, place, or idea, symptoms usually involve a powerful fear that seems impossible to get past, plus intense anxiety over those situations and feeling the need to avoid them no matter what.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is related to a person having a traumatic experience. Even if it isn’t life-threatening, those situations can lead to PTSD. There are cases of PTSD reported after natural disasters, war, or being involved in or just witnessing a very serious accident, like a car or plane crash. Symptoms for PTSD can include being very easily startled, continuing nightmares, feeling as if your emotions are dulled or non-existent, and reliving the traumatic event over and over in your mind.

How Can I Get My Anxiety Treated?

Each type of anxiety disorder will come with its own treatment, and each case is treated based on the individual’s needs. At SUN Behavioral we’re focused on finding the needs you have in order to start recovery, meeting them, and supporting you throughout recovery.

No matter what treatment is needed or used for your anxiety disorder, we know you are the expert in your own life and no one else knows your thoughts, feelings, and needs. That’s why when we’re treating anxiety disorders, we make sure to empower you by offering multiple treatment options.

treatment for anxiety disorders

Anxiety Treatments and Therapy Based on Research

Don't let anxiety make you suffer any longer. Call SUN for help.


Treatment for anxiety includes 24/7, professional nursing care. If you are staying here for anxiety treatment you will be attended by compassionate and experienced nurses with your health as their number one priority. We also have doctors available to check out any medical issues that may show up. Licensed therapists are here to guide group sessions, which can be a huge benefit by seeing how others are handling anxiety similarly, or differently than you.

We also have activity specialists to help keep you busy and ensure you’re getting evidence-based treatment through non-traditional therapy, like art and exercise. Studies have shown physical health can have a positive impact on mental health, and expressing yourself through non-verbal means helps the brain process emotions in different ways.

Longer term recovery from anxiety is supported through group therapy that focuses on problem-solving and learning valuable life skills. These will help keep you on the long-term recovery track, and in addition to chatting with healthy living groups, function as ongoing treatment methods for when you are back to your day-to-day life outside of SUN Behavioral.

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FAQs About Treating and Managing Anxiety

What Is the Best Treatment for Anxiety?

There isn’t one, best treatment for anxiety. Because everyone’s bodies are different, their reactions to anxiety are going to require different treatments. Also, since there are multiple types of anxiety disorders, those individuals can experience big differences in anxiety. Usually, CBT and medication are the most common, but those are by no means the “best”.

Can Anxiety Be Cured?

Don’t think of it as “cured” or “uncured,” because anxiety isn’t classified as a disease. Anxiety can be treated and the person experiencing it can stop feeling it, or stop being so affected by it that they can’t live a normal life. If the question is phrased “Can I get past anxiety?” the answer is a big, loud YES.

How Can I Reduce Anxiety Fast?

Doctors recommend deep breathing along with other calming methods, like meditation, yoga, or general mindfulness, which is similar to meditation but centers around focusing your thoughts to guide them purposefully to calm.

What Are the Four Types of Anxiety Disorders?

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) lists them as: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Disorder, phobias, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Get Treatment for Anxiety

At SUN, we’ve created a caring, healing environment and will be there for every step of your journey to recovery from anxiety. Please call us today to help you, your family and your loved one.

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SUN Behavioral Kentucky

820 Dolwick Drive
Erlanger, Kentucky 41018

Hours of Operation:

Open 24 hours

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